EMMAUS #1 October 17 – 19, 2023
Saint Edward, Wrightwood

If FULL you may be added to WAITLIST, by emailing Mrs. Gersten at bgersten@chaminade.org 
Attending Students

Students Attending:
Brady Ahn
Kylie Anderson
Eli Appelbaum
Arpan Baderia
Dylan Barnes
Talia Boghossian
Stella Burns
Leanna Carillo
Aaron Coreas
Lauren Clark
Gabriel Castro
Hunter Clay
Tegan DeSilva
David Escamilla
Shyla Gaur
Noah Galvan
Elsie Heafner
Xavier Hong
Luke Lahoud
Logan Lappalainen
Bauer Lee
Kate Leonard
Matson Lopata
Philip Mayotte
Giana Martin
Kavya Mandyam
Sienna Murray-Taft
Isabella Mendoza
Ava Moir
Izzy Moir
Ellie Na
Ryan Pittman
Grace Richardson
Kavanna Rocklin
Luke Sauter
Andrea Soberanis
Jasen Serapio
Max Thornton 
Layla Troy
Sydney Tuchfeld
Adult Participants: 
Mrs. Genenbacher- Director

Adult Chaperones:
Mr. Wilkerson
Mrs. Kutasevich
Mrs. Hurlbut
Ms. Juarez

Administrator: Mr. Guerra

Student Leaders:
Alec Broitman
Ella Hecht
Madalyn Leff
Ellie Leipart
Shawn Ligon
Lauren Lydon
Ben Monostori
Ralph Tabino
Seif Taher

List of 1 items.

  • We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values

    of what makes our school distinctly Catholic.